Nursing Home Neglect
Nursing Home Neglect
Has your loved one been neglected at their nursing home facility?
Do you believe that they may have been harmed by the nursing home staff? We expect nursing homes to treat our loved ones properly, with the respect and care that they deserve. When, instead, they are harmed, something must be done. Here at the Law Offices of Samuel Ogbogu, we have helped many who are in the exact position that you are right now to recover the compensation that they deserve.
If you believe that there is any chance your loved one may have been a victim of nursing home neglect, we encourage you to reach out to us for a free case evaluation.

What is Nursing Home Neglect?
Essentially, the definition of “neglect” in a nursing home is a “failure to provide goods and services necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish, or mental illness.” So, if you believe that your loved one has been physically harmed, caused mental anguish, or their mental illness has worsened or developed on account of being neglected in their nursing home, it’s worth it to reach out to us.
What are the Signs of Nursing Home Neglect?
Unfortunately, some of the most common signs of neglect in a nursing home are that your loved one is dehydrated or even appears to suffer from malnutrition. Often, neglect takes the form of staff members not helping your loved one to receive the food and drink that they need to be as healthy as possible.
By that same token, many of the signs of neglect may be environmental in nature. Your loved one’s room or even facility could be unclean, dirty, unsanitary, or just generally unsafe. You could determine this for yourself on a visit or, alternatively, go by what your loved one tells you.
On that note, many of our clients have learned about their loved one’s neglect from their loved one. Signs of neglect can include not just complaints of poor treatment, but unwelcome behavioral or emotional changes. Maybe they’re more withdrawn than they were before, perhaps they’re more frequently agitated, crying, or fearful.
If your loved one has suffered physical injuries, even such as bruises, cuts, sprains, and others, that could be a sign of neglect. Perhaps they were harmed because there was no one around to check on them. Bedsores, infections, and the like can be clear signs of neglect as well.
These are just some of the signs that your loved one could be a victim of nursing home neglect.
Who’s At Fault in a Nursing Home Neglect Case
In a nursing home neglect case, many different parties could be at fault. For example, caregivers such as nurses, orderly, or others who failed to properly attend to your loved one could be at fault. The same goes for administrators and managers or even the owners and operators who didn’t properly supervise their employees. We can sit down with you and determine who is at fault and why, then we can work to help you receive maximum compensation.
Nursing Home Neglect Compensation
In a nursing home neglect case, your loved one can receive compensation for all of their emotional distress, their pain, their suffering, and compensation for all of the medical care necessary to treat their injuries. These are called “noneconomic” and “economic” damages. When you reach out to us for a free case evaluation, we can draw upon our experience to let you know how much exactly your case is worth.

How Samuel Ogbogu Can Help
When your loved one has been neglected by a nursing home, it’s understandable to be angry, confused, and unsure what to do. The sooner you reach out to us for a free case evaluation, the sooner we can get to work on behalf of you and your loved one, helping to achieve the most successful outcome possible. To schedule that free case evaluation, message us through our site or call.

(213) 624 – 1500